Devotional - Better Than Blue Chip

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 107:1, NKJV)

Growing up, for many of us, the phrase “blue chip” represented the epitome of staying power and enduring value: “Standing the test of time in a troubled world.” Today, we know that even the greatest among us - companies, institutions and people - they all fall short, and they all fall down.

True value resides in the love of the Lord our God; in Him we are secure. He never falters in our moments of trial. He steps into our hardships, comes near our anxiety and takes away our pain…if we let Him. The Love of God stands the test of time as displayed when Jesus took our place at Golgotha and absorbed what we have all earned due to our fallen state - our sinful nature.

This so that we might respond with the fullness of our hearts until all that we are overflows with the fruits of the Spirit and more know Him personally. He Who came to reconcile all who would but respond to the call of Christ.

Search Tags: Praise, thanksgiving, love, value, reconciliation, assurance, ever present help